Posts in Northern pintail

The morning of three diamonds

A morning visit to Lake Kerkini looking for lesser white-fronted geese and tundra swans resulted in three Greek rarities: a Siberian chiffchaff, three little bustards, and an Oriental turtle-dove.

Sunsets in l’Albufera

Two days birding l’Albufera finished with terrific sunsets. Highlights included a mega greater yellowlegs, wintering jack snipes, a common scoter, the local sacred ibis, and numerous waders and waterfowl.

Enjoying the hobby on Global Big Day

An intense full day watching birds in Alicante delivers a great final count for our party of three. Different migrant birds seen include four different Eurasian hobbies, definitely the top species of the day.

Midnight sun in Varanger highlands

Kongsfjordfjellet in early June provides incredible landscapes and wonderful Arctic species: horned lark, long-tailed jaeger, red-throated pipit, Lapland longspur, long-tailed duck, red-necked phalaropes, and ruffs.